Action Scope


GRUPO PACIFICOCO S.A.S., is actively participating in the search to improve the conditions of equity in the different links of the regional productive chain of the coconut palm on the Pacific coast of the department of Nariño, Colombia - South America.


We participate directly in the different sectors that comprise it:


· Primary (growers): Support to coconut-producing communities in the Colombian Pacific, through direct and permanent comparison of the fruit (coconut in fruit) and under fair price conditions.


· Secondary (transformation): We generate added value through the use of coconut fruit as raw material to obtain new products, made with natural processes and with standards. high quality. Contributing to the generation of direct jobs with the employment of local and regional labor.


· Tertiary (commercialization): It makes commercial alliances with entities at a national level interested in using natural products of high quality standards and that have also incorporated support for social causes into the daily life of their business. organization.

Our location in the Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, greatly favors logistics operations that allow the proper functioning of the company.